Suspita Paul 

The parallel universe is also known as the “Alternative Universe “or “Alternative Reality “which is an imaginary self–contained plane of existence. Our Universe is unexpectedly big. Hundreds of galaxies move through space, which contains billions or trillions of shining stars. Some researchers found that our universe is infinite. 


Parallel Universe is often called as “Multiverse”. The multiverse theory is a theory in which our universe exists parallel with many other universes. These universes show the multiverse theory is called the parallel universe. Some physicists have believed in its existence and some don’t believe in these. A separate universe that co-exists with our known universe but is very different from it. Parallel space can be assumed to be a realm of existence and experience that is fundamentally different from the one in which most of us share a separate reality. Some theorists have suggested that colliding universes could leave hot or cold spots on the cosmic microwave background the suggested that colonizing universes could leave hot or cold spots on the cosmic microwave background the afterglow of the BigBang. If so you may be able to detect those spots with advanced sky surveys. If we consider that the existence of parallel space theory, some level with assumptions exists. There is an article floating around claiming that physicists in Antarctica found evidence of a parallel universe.

The four kinds of the parallel universe are-  

1. A parallel universe could have nothing quantitively new and different than our non-universe

2. A universe could have a total difference fundamental law of physic

3. A parallel universe may have the same fundamental law of physics but be differently effective by-laws. 

Parallel universes are imaginative, compelling ideas that are very difficult to test.

Interpretation quantum mechanizes postulates that all outcomes that can occur do happen only one outcome can happen in each universe. It takes an infinite number of parallel universes to account for all the possibilities.  


Are you living in a multiverse?   

Ever since scientists described our parallel universes, dreamers and science fiction writers have begun to speculate about parallel universes. Our universe contains everything you know, from planets, stars, and galaxies to space and time.

Astronomers estimate its diameter is about 93 billion light-years. This is more than our species hopes to explore.


Some of the parallel universe movies are 

1. Sliding Doors 

2. Into the spider-verse.

3. Back to the future 1-3.

4. Run Lora Run . etc.


Some wildest science fiction dreams would be possible if the claims are correct 


     1. Where u stand up to the bully instead of letting yourself be taken advantage of?

     2. Where u kissed the one who got away at the end of the night instead of letting go

3.       Where the life or death event that or your loved one faced  at come point in the past had a different outcome?

1.       Happiness is know that in a parallel universe most likely you are  a superheroes.  

2.       To open a portal to the parallel world .

In this place and in this hour you can  call upon the ancient power open the door through  time and space , create a path to another place 

3.       In each universe these a copy of yours thinking   the  reality you are in the only reality.


For some of you, the idea of ​​a parallel universe makes your wildest dreams come true. If certain events in other universes lead to different results, and only one important decision takes a different path, then maybe there is a way to access it. Fields and even people can move from one to another, allowing one to live in a better universe than



According to NASA's ANITA means Antarctic Pulse Transition Antenna, giant balloons are used to "lift fragile electronic antennas" in dry air without radio interference to distort the results.  The high-energy particles "wind" from space, some of which are a million times stronger than anything that anyone can produce on the surface of the earth. NASA has also found an evidence of parallel universes in Antarctica, where time can go backward, and the laws of physics are contrary to ours.


So, According to scientists, the simplest explanation given for this is the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, which led to the formation of two universes, our universe and a universe that, in our opinion exists, operates at the same time.







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